“ You won’t be in a hurry leaving this picturesque location ” ……
This has to be one of my favourite walks and the most peaceful place to bring locals and tourists alike, Situated in the valley at the edge of Lough Atlan is a small dwelling better known as Altan Farm, it is steeped in history with evictions and also with the sheep war, this story will be recited as we have our picnic at the edge of Lough Altan.
This walk is on a heather track to the farm, and crossing the stepping stones is a great entrance to this lonesome house , which is the ideal place for your picnic, the Lough is between Aghla More (An Eachla Mhór) and Breaghy (An Bheithigh) and great place to cool the feet on a hot Summer’s day,
My aim is that you will feel that they have had a great hike with loads of Information great views and hopefully a love for Donegal that they you will return again ……
Come back to the outdoors and you will be able to feel the fresh mountain air, and touch, the many wildflowers and heathers in our varied landscape and learn about their medicinal uses ….
The walk to Altan farm is less than an hour and allow more time to make your way back as it is uphill, great place for those out for a stroll in the hills and Aghla More is there for those needing something more demanding. ” Why not try and learn your cúpla focail when your here in the heart of the Gaeltacht in North West Donegal, as I would be delighted to converse with you ” ” So get your Boots and come rambling with Walking Donegal “